04 October 2008

Potty Training Day 4

Wow!  Has it been four days already?  Well, last night was a nightmare!  Jacob woke up wet and told me how yucky it was, so we changed him and put down a towel in his bed.  I laid him down and went back to bed.  Moments later he was down in my bed with me.  It was 1 AM, so I wasn't going to fight him and just let him lay down with me.  An hour later I decided I couldn't sleep with him there anymore and took him back to bed.  Unfortunately, he still wasn't asleep and didn't even sound like he wanted to.  So, I left him in bed and, of course, moments later he was back.  Grrrr. . .  We ended up making a little bed on our floor for him and James laid by him until he fell asleep.  Needless to say we woke up very tired!  

But even though the night was not the best he was dry all day!  Yippee!  He even went to a friends house while we went to the gym and worked out and was dry there also.  I only asked him to go to the bathroom right before getting in the car, but the rest of the time he chose to go!  Today we're not going anywhere, so I don't plan on making him go at all but just asking if he is still dry and congratulating him on his success!  We'll see how it goes!

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