14 June 2012

Ready for a Baby?

Before we had the baby we kept asking ourselves if we had everything we need.  We knew we had the basics like diapers, wipes, car seat, and a crib, but what did we miss?  Not much but I thought it was fun to reflect on.

alcohol (for cleaning the cord)
Mylicon (for gas-this is a must have)
fingernail clippers  (We still need these.  Fortunately, he hasn't scarred himself yet.)

There were a few other little things but those were the ones that I recommend not forgetting.  So, what other things did I forget?

I forgot that you have to teach the baby to fall asleep in their crib.  In the hospital he just fell asleep all the time and never needed to be put to sleep.  It didn't take long to teach but it was easier to do during the day when everyone was awake then when everyone was fast asleep at night.  Fortunately, only the grown-ups seem to hear him in the night.  Also, it was nice that he never cried more than 10 minutes.  So, we have been victorious in that category (and yes, it was awesome to get more sleep because of it).

I also forgot that it takes a few days for your milk to come in.  It isn't such a big deal but Hyrum sure seems happier now!

It has definitely been an adjustment to have a baby at home again but we are adjusting well and all growing to enjoy being together.   The boys will be happier when Hyrum will play with them but for now they get to just enjoy holding him and waiting for him to wake up.


Justin said...

Congratulations! What an exciting thing, and I can't wait to meet him!

Michelle Packard said...

Yeah for having baby Hyrum! I'm with Justin...can't wait to meet him!