10 June 2012

Hyrum Dale Hutchings

Welcome to the world Hyrum!  So, what do I know about Hyrum already?  He is just like me.  He wants things done his way and when he wants something done, it will get done, and there will be no negotiating.

So, how did our newest arrival come?  Almost exactly the way I planned.  Almost!  Every night for the past few nights I have prayed that if this is the night that I am allowed to sleep first, so I will be well rested for the delivery.  So, when I woke up just after 4 and wondered if I had had a contraction I was pleased with step one.  After about 45 minutes of contractions about 6 minutes apart I decided I should get ready to go to the hospital (I have never had false labor and counted on this).  So, I got up and showered quickly which, of course, woke up James because this is the first time I have been out of bed before 8 in weeks.  :)  He showered while I prepped my backpack.  People always say they pack a bag in advance but I had decided that was unrealistic since I need most of those things every day, but I did make a list, so it didn't take long to get ready.

Then, we told Michael and Joshua where we were headed and who would be taking them to church.  We hoped they would go back to sleep but knew that it was an unrealistic hope.

At the hospital they wheeled me up to the maternity ward which was nice because the contractions were coming more frequently.  They put me in a room and shortly thereafter realized that I was laying in a non-birthing bed.  I'm not going to lie,  the non-birthing bed was much more comfortable, so I'm glad we didn't make the change for awhile.  The first thing I told them was that I wanted an epidural.  That is the part of the plan that I know needs to be known upfront, so they have time to do everything needed.  She warned me that it would take at least an hour to get that going.  Fine, so lets get it going.  But no, we answered questions and filled out papers.  She called my doctor to see if I could be admitted.  I was 3 cm and he said that when I progressed I could be admitted.  Now normally I wouldn't care, but I knew that if I wasn't admitted they couldn't start prepping me for that epidural.  Ugh!  So, I told her to check me again.  She warned me that I had only had 5 contractions and that progress was unlikely.  I didn't care (you know how I like things to go my way).  So, she checked and was surprised to learn that I was now 4 cm.  That's right.  Oh baby yea!  Both James and the nurse were shocked and said that that I willed my body to do that.  Really I think it was that painful contraction I had right before she checked.  You decide.

So, I was admitted, they took my blood, hooked me up to an IV and we were on our way.  Then, the shift changed.  Not a big deal just a new nurse and she was all about getting me my epidural, so I was happy enough.  She slowly prepped for delivery and I continued to progress.  She finally had good news, the blood work was done and the anesthesiologist was on her way.  She said 10 minutes, so I checked the clock and told myself I could make it 15 minutes.  Let me just say that I was right.  In about 10 minutes my contractions took a leap for the worse and I started feeling pressure.  I was only 7 cm, so it was ok but those contractions begged for the assistance of an epidural.  I asked at what stage they call the doctor and they said when you are 10 cm.  WHAT???  Isn't that when you have the baby, not when you call the doctor?  Go figure.  So, at 7 cm (after 10-15 minutes of waiting-yes, I held up my end of the deal) my body decided it was done and within 3 - 5 minutes I was crowning.  So much for that epidural.  :(  But hey, if I can't get my epidural at least I only had to be in intense labor for 15 minutes.

So, what is it like having a baby without an epidural?  It HURTS!!!!  I'm pretty sure I heard a nurse tell me not to scream.  Yea, like that's going to happen.  So, we delivered our sweet little Hyrum right onto the table with three very calm nurses coaching me through, reminding me to stay calm, and breathe.   I am pretty sure that they are the only reason that I was able to make it through.  One of them had such a calm face that I could look at her and calm down (well relatively calm down).  I would have been toast without her.

So, everything was exactly as I planned.  I got a good nights rest, my labor lasted under 4 hours from is that a contraction? to hello baby, everyone was healthy and happy, but no epidural.  :(  Maybe next time.   What have I learned?  Don't wait very long to go to the hospital or I will never get an epidural again.  Ask that my doctor come at around 6 cm, well, if he wants to make it on time anyway.  And finally, you still forget the pain pretty quickly after delivery.  I'm not sure how that works but I am grateful.  So, now my body just gets to heal and I get to enjoy some quiet time with the newest Hutchings!

It has been a calm day (post delivery).  James and I took a nap while they took care of the baby.  Glorious!  Then, James brought the boys in to see us after church.  They bored pretty quickly and now they are with someone else and James will be back soon, so we can just enjoy a quiet calm afternoon and evening together.  It just sounds perfect!

Oh, I didn't give you stats.  Hyrum was born at 7:50 AM on June 10--9 days before my due date just like Michael and Joshua.  Yes, I am a control freak and somehow I manage to control even child birth.  He was 8 lbs 4 oz, 20.5 inches and has Michael's red hair and facial features.  Michael is, of course, thrilled!  Here is a fun comparison picture for you.


Rachel Elaine said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for your family. I'm glad all is well. Enjoy that time with your new boy, get all the snuggles you can!
I was surprised that the new born picture of Michael reminds me of Garrett. At least the face shape and chin.
Good times!

Rachel Elaine said...

And really his eyes too.

Jodi said...

Oh baby, yes it hurts. Congratulations! I'm very jealous of your 4 hour labor. Both of mine started a good 20 hours before the birth! Enjoy your relaxation time. We love you and are so happy for you.

Michelle Packard said...

Way to go Liz! I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. Enjoy your quiet moments. All our love!

Racheal said...

Congratulations. How exciting. Now you and Nat both have Hyrums. You are so brave to have a baby with out an epidural. I couldn't do it. But then I ended up being in later 19 hours- it was long. Congratulations. I love it.

Liz said...

You make it sound like I chose to do it without an epidural . . . not a chance. :) You do what you have to do! I forgot that Nat had a Hyrum. How fun!