As always every day is an adventure with our boys. It amazes me the things they will do. For instance, they all now have battle armor made out of cardboard. Joshua even hung his in his closet. It is pretty impressive and if it protects them during battle I am all for it!
Last week Michael found a new place to read. Yes, it is in a tree. He learned to climb up the tree with a little help from the trampoline. He started taking books up there to read. As usual he would spend hours reading but now he prefers the tree to any other place.
He even helped his brothers get up, so they could check out his new place of rest. They thought it was pretty awesome!
Not all adventures turn out the way they plan. They decided they wanted to be abel to sit on the trampoline and stick their legs through the bottom. So, they grabbed some hedge trimmers and made a hole. Well, they made several holes. They were sad to learn that the trampoline is now unsafe and off limits. When I say sad I am understating the fact severely. But even though we miss the trampoline (and yes as parents we miss the hours of playing they do on the trampoline) we are trying really hard to help them see the consequences of their actions. Fie on good parenting. :)
Then, today we went to a cold-blooded animals program at the library. I must admit that it was much more impressive than expected. They had just a few animals, but they were all HUGE. Actually the picture below may have been of the smallest animal of them all. Michael loved getting to hold this young alligator. They had a full size gator as well that was completely trained and even gave rides to a couple of small children. It was awesome! We did learn that while he has managed to train alligators, crocodiles have a menu that includes humans, so he will have to stick to gators. I thought this was very good to know.
Our greatest adventure, however, is with Hyrum. The boys love holding him, kissing him, hugging him and anything else I will let them do (which isn't much). They sure can't wait until he quits sleeping and eating all of the time. I am pretty sure they think I am hogging all of the baby time. Soon enough they will get all the time they want to play with him. But for now they get a few minutes here and there and will cherish every moment!
1 comment:
Only crocodiles eat humans? I didn't know that! Now I can breath easier when I am at Heather's house! I bet Michael loved holding that alligator!
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