I knew that this new little house would bring some interesting adventures, and I was right. The day after we moved James headed to Chicago for a two day training. Unfortunately for me, the laundry was not hooked up before he left. So, I headed down to see what I could do with my limited abilities. I found the dryer plug, but then searched and searched and could not find the washer plug. I called our friend who owns the house and asked for any tips. All I remember is 'extension cord' and 'plug in the light.' For any of you who know me this had very little meaning, but I looked and looked and couldn't figure out what it meant. Then, a small miracle occurred. A member of our ward stopped by to drop off a paper, and I thought I would ask him if he could help. He was kind enough to come look, and he of course found an extension cord and a plug in the light. I then thought I would use this opportunity to see if he knew how to hook up the water and drain. Now, let me just say that the setup here is definitely not the normal setup, so I was relieved when even he was unsure how it was meant to work. But he played with it and found something that worked. I was extra grateful for his help because it involved moving the washing machine which I guarantee I could have NEVER done.

The drain is an interesting story because he putting it in a tube and sent it down what looked like a drain. Unfortunately, when I tried to use the washer the water came back up and the machine gave me an upset code, locked me out and wouldn't let me back in. I had to unplug it and wait a day before it would let me in to get my clothes. In the meantime I headed to the laundro-mat to get the clothes cleaned. I had a repairman come to take a look to find that the machine is just fine but that the drainage setup wasn't working, so we found another tube and ran it to a drain the floor. I'm not too worried about water on the floor since we are pretty sure that the shower leaks all over anyway. But now it works! It looks strange, but if it gets the job done, so be it.
The tall tube was attempt #1, but the second seems to be working much better! |
The dryer, though, has to be over by the dryer plug, so I had to go and get some more baskets, so I could move the laundry from one to the other. But the really interesting part about the dryer is the vent. There was no way to vent out of the house, so my friend recommended that I take a knee high and tape it to the end of the vent. All I need to do is empty it out every couple of weeks. (If you have a gas dryer please do not try this.) And voila!
Yes, that really is a knee high taped on. |
So, that is our crazy setup, but it works and is much more convenient than the laundro-mat!
1 comment:
Oh Liz. Just for a moment. I do believe I have some memories of venting inside a house..can't remember just how, but it may have involved a sock.
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