19 May 2013

7, 9, 11 (almost)

Today we are celebrating Jacob's birthday before James heads out to Costa Rica.  I am excited to have their ages in the simple 7, 9, 11 pattern.  Now maybe I can get them right!  Jacob chose all of his meals which included waffles, hot dogs, pizza and chips.  A nice healthy day of eating in our home!  And for desert he had a cinnamon role cake.  Mmmm . . . mmmm good!

Those are most definitely pecans on the top of that cake!

Somehow we all managed to coordinate his gifts, so it was the year of the wheels.  He got cars, a scooter and a new bike.  He is a pretty spoiled little boy!  Happy Birthday Jacob!

Jacob with his mouth full of yummy cinnamon roll cake!

1 comment:

Lynne said...