We showed up and got all of our shoes on and picked out balls. Bowling alleys really should have balls for children . . . just my opinion. Then, Jacob threw the first ball and I realized we didn't have the bumpers up and that he would never score a single point without them. So, I asked to have them put up to learn that they are only for children 8 and under, so I could not bowl with them and the bumper. Ugh!! She was kind enough to let Michael bowl with them for which I was grateful. We could never pass him off as an 8 year old, so it is a good thing that no one asked. :) The boys were pretty bummed that I couldn't bowl with them but it was better that they score than that I bowl.
So, we played and after a few pictures my battery died. So, I don't have many great pictures but use your imagination. :)
After a few frames Joshua decided he wanted to beat Michael. With the bumpers in everyone's scores were about the same, but that wasn't good enough. Then, I taught Joshua the power of the Spare/Strike and he was determined to get one. He did finally get one and was pretty excited. Then, they learned that in the last frame that if they get a spare or a strike they get an extra throw. As you can imagine that became the desired treasure. I must admit that the last frame was my favorite.
Jacob bowled first and got a strike. Yes, the only strike and it was in the last frame. There was excitement everywhere! Then, Joshua was up. No strike for him but then, on his second throw he went flying, fell and got the spare he desired. It was awesome! That spare did exactly what he wanted as it put him ahead of Michael to win by 1 point. They were all within about 5 points of each other which I thought was good. In the end we had a great time, we will definitely have to do it again!
This is Michael-he got to learn how to roll the ball instead of throwing it halfway down the lane. :)
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