After that disappointment we headed to the Capitol Building. Now I had it all planned out to get back on the metro and take it down further but when I asked someone which way to go on the metro they told me not to take the metro because the Capitol Building was at that stop. Now I should have gone with my research but I didn't and we ended up walking/running much further than I intended. It was rough and we were all sweating by the end but we made it! Our tour time was 11:10 and we got there exactly at 11:10 to find a security line. ARG! Then, we learned that you couldn't take food or drink in. And, of course, we had packed our lunch. ARG again! So, we got out of line and ate as much food as we could before throwing the rest away. What a waste! I was quite appalled. Someone who lives near DC should create a food drop off, so all of that food doesn't just get thrown away. Eventually we made it in and got tickets for the 12:10 tour instead. Not bad. While waiting the boys played on some computers and took quizzes to test their knowledge on the government, the buildings and the documents. I thought it was great to see what they remembered and help them learn new things!
Then, the tour began! It started with a movie which was enjoyable. Afterwards we split into smaller groups and got these cool headphones. These were great because our tour guide could talk to us and we could hear her over the many other tour guides who were talking around us at the same time. Now as a side note the headphones are only for those ages 6 and up. Imagine, if you will, how a 4 or 5 year old would respond to this. EVERYONE else gets a cool headphone except YOU. Well, in Jacob's case it involved tears. I was very grateful to an understanding tour guide who got him headphones to use.
The tour took us into the dome room which was beautiful. I cannot adequately describe all of the beautiful pictures, sculptures, etc, but know that it was as amazing as they say it is! It was interesting to learn that all of the dead presidents are buried in the crypt below the dome room. All except one, that is. Can you guess? I'm tempted not to tell you because that is where we are going tomorrow! I think I will make you wait. :)
I also loved the whisper room and wish we could have played around with it. I think it would be awesome to create that kind of room everywhere! It was fun to learn that they tried everything to make it not work but failed, so they eventually changed rooms (they did outgrow it as well).
Of course the kids loved the tunnel to the Library of Congress. I liked that they were tricked into walking a good distance without knowing it!
The library was definitely one of the favorites of the day. There was even a children's room. It was beautiful and functional! Awesome! The kids would have stayed here all day if I would have let them. Michael even started to do some reseach! Who's kids are these?
After I pried them away we went to find the balcony where we could see in the main part of the library. There was a lovely sign telling us not to go up because there were tours going on but well, after driving so far I was not going to just turn around, so I told the boys to follow me quickly and quietly and we snuck up. What did we see? NO ONE! But we did get to see the library and it was incredible! It said no photos, so you will just have to watch National Treasure again but it was worth sneaking up to see, especially since there was NO ONE there!

Then, we did some fun outdoor picture taking. We took photos of the Library of Congress, Supreme Court Building (I'm sure it has a name), the Capitol Building, and last but not least . . .
The White House! I had actually never seen it from the front but it was beautiful. It was so calm and still that it was hard to remember what really goes on inside that building!
So, our goal for the day was to see where the three branches of government are housed and we did it! It was a great day and we even made it out of DC and back home before dinner! Yes, we are amazing, and we had an amazing day!

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