03 November 2010

Day in Boston

We left our hotel right at 9 AM as I wanted and we drove into Boston. Apparently Boston is not a town that accommodates driving, so we quickly parked in an underground parking lot and found our way to the visitor's center on the Boston Commons. We signed up for a tour and began our journey. Our tour guide was perfect for the boys as he was full of life and energy. We spent quite a bit of time in a very old cemetery. It literally felt like we stepped back in time as we walked through modern Boston but found all of the old buildings that were there during the time of the revolution. Our guide did a great job talking about the people and even used chess pieces to describe some of the events (I think this was the boys favorite parts). Some of our favorite things that we learned were as follows:

1. Only 5 people died in the Boston Massacre which was then blown out of proportion by propaganda to convince others to start a war.
2. When Paul Revere rode to warn of an attack he did not say that 'the British are coming' because well, they were all British at the time. Instead he said that the 'Regulars are out.' Weird but true.
3. Also, Paul Revere was captured later on this trip but he was let go when the British were worried about the fight. They just let him go but did keep his horse.
4. John Hancock, whom we all remember for his signature, wanted to be the first emperor of the US and then when they said that he missed the point on that idea he wanted to be the first president. But when choosing the first president later they needed someone from the South to unite the north and south. Interesting that this trend of electing someone from the South still happens on most occasions (excluding this past election, of course).

I could keep going but those were the ones that stood out to the boys. After the tour we ate lunch and then took a boat to see the USS Constitution. This ship was put into service in 1779 and is still beautiful. It was closed today but we did get to look at it and the boys loved the boat ride. Apparently with little driving in town public transportation is huge and why not include boat rides when the water is right there! It was pretty awesome!

Overall it was a great educational experience and the boys did pretty well. Joshua had the hardest time as he just has so much energy. They loved the pigeons as well and wanted to chase them all afternoon long. Unfortunately this almost cost Joshua his life. On our way back he saw a pigeon in the road and ran after it. I called him back and he came running after us and then right past us into the road in front of a bus. This was then the third time (at least) that I told him quickly to stop and fortunately he did just in time for the bus to be able to go around him. Even if it is hard for him to see the world around him at least he listens when I say stop. We were all pretty shaken up and I am sure that Joshua will stay close to me from here on out. But now we are safe and sound in New Jersey close to Philadelphia where our next adventure lies.

I will admit that the drive through NY/NJ were not my favorite but with that in the past we look forward to tomorrow!

On a side note I grew up in New Jersey, so it is kinda fun to be back. I do wish that we had time for me to show the boys where I grew up but we will have to save that trip for another time. I promise to upload pictures tomorrow, but for now you will just have to wait. :)


James said...

I edited for you. :)

So, I think "safe and sound in New Jersey" is a phrase no one has ever before said. :)

Mom said...

And, that pray we whispered this morning that Liz and boys would be safe in their travels...the Lord is always there!

Jodi said...

I didn't know you grew up in New Jersey! Why don't you have an awesome accent?

Liz said...

Sorry, Jodi, but I moved when I was 11 to the south and they got rid of it pretty quickly for me and replaced it with one of their own. Then, I moved to Utah and they changed it again. Apparently I am susceptible to the accents of my current location.