14 May 2010

Spring is in the Air

After a cool and wet week we are finally seeing some nice spring weather. So, what do boys do in the spring? Well, they enjoy nature in all of its forms: they play in the dirt or mud as is the case this week, mow the lawn, ride their bikes and play at the park.

And my favorite, they find anything living and play with it! They got really lucky and were invited to attend a butterfly class. They have their own little caterpillar growing, this thing is growing incredibly quickly, which will soon make its chrysalis. I'm excited to take pictures of the stages. It is pretty awesome!

Then, today the boys found a young bird in our garden. Michael made it a nest including a ramp since it couldn't fly just yet. Then, later today they took the bird and put it in a large bowl with grass and played with it. I was a bit shocked to see them holding a young bird in their hands and petting them. I wasn't quite sure what to think but we decided to put the bird back and hope that it learns to fly soon and take care of itself. They are very loving and kind but aren't always aware of what their limits should be.

Michael told me tonight that he would like a pet. He thinks a guinea pig would be good because if he had two to breed he could end up with about 30 by the end of the year. He also told me that guinea pigs would be better than hamsters because they live for about 6 years and hamsters only about 3. Then, he could breed them for longer. I wasn't sure what to say, though I did ask where he was going to keep them all. Apparently he thinks there is enough space in his bedroom for all of these pets. I am looking for a better idea for him and would love any and all suggestions!


Mom said...

Be grateful for guinea pigs, but maybe just tell him he needs to start with 1 to learn to care for an animal, then, you can judge about more. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Sea Monkeys or a flea circus. those would be my choices.

Michelle Packard said...

FISH! They are clean, contained in one area, and are low maintenance. I'm sure he could learn plenty about tropical fish and how to take care of them. It could be a great hobby! Good luck!

Laurie said...

Hamsters. They eat their babies. I don't know about guinea pigs. Also, hedgehogs are fun, especially for boys because it forces them to be gentle with them. That doesn't seem like a problem for your boys, though - sweet things!