27 May 2010
Simple Machines
So, James brought home our new GAS range for which he is very excited. We wanted to save a little money, so we picked it up ourselves and then got to bring it in the house. The dolly was very helpful but wouldn't work on the stairs inside the house, so we tried pushing it up. Unfortunately, it decided to get stuck leaving us with a small problem to solve. James was sure if we just kept pushing it would go up but seeing as brute force is not one of the skills I possess, I looked for another solution and found it with a simple inclined plane. I took a board and slid it under the range, so that he could just push it right up. It worked like a charm and the boys got to see a simple machine in action!
26 May 2010
The last great push
That titled instantly sent me into labor mode; not like work-with-your-hands labor, but like poppin'-out-a-baby labor. I think it's a fair and adequate analogy for the work done today in our house. Not only is about ready for some great new arrivals, but I seriously feel like my body has been split in two.
This is the part where I beg you all you who have actually given birth not to roll your eyes or throw things at me. Just give me my moment, okay?
We pulled out all the carpet today, complete with tack strips, moulding, and what appears to be at least ten years of accumulated dust and dirt. Thank heavens for a shop vac. I examined the kitchen floor hoping to find that I would not have to tear up linoleum, because, well, let's face it: linoleum was never meant to be removed. This fact completely vacated my mind, however, when I found not the 1/16" difference between floors I was expecting, but nearly 1/2" between the dining room and kitchen; that's not a transition I can fake with a little clever laminate laying. So I examined the situation, then set to work with my handy-dandy pry bar, and discovered that truth is eternal: LINOLEUM WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE REMOVED.
How did I discover this eternal truth? Rather than remove the old linoleum, the last owners put a new subfloor over it, then the new, and in my opinion worse, linoleum. So I didn't have to pull up the dreaded stuff, I would just have to cut it and remove the plywood. Great relief.
Until I found the staples that will forever haunt my subconscious. The upper subfloor (is that a thing?) was stapled every 1 1/2-3 inches over the entire surface. THE ENTIRE SURFACE. Well, I got all of it out but a piece that won't go until the cabinets go. Unfortunately, at least half of the staples remained in the floor. We tried pulling a few, but pulling staples that are an inch and a half long but only 1/4" wide is akin to that great biblical needle eye. So, as we retire at 12:30 am, the kitchen floor is studded with hundreds of staple heads that we'll probably just pound into the floor tomorrow. Adventure OVER.
Oh, and I electrocuted myself today. Maybe that's why I feel split in half. Hm.
25 May 2010
Day of Mass Destruction
The walls are out. The soffits are out. Big thanks to our friend, Dan, who spent the day helping me out today. We had to do a little insulation cleanup, but all in all I think it went rather smoothly. We also got the carpet out of the dining room today, so now we can haul everything over there while we take out the rest!
24 May 2010
The Saga Begins . . .
22 May 2010
You know, I get annoyed when my schedule isn't flexible and under my control, and this season of 2 children on 2 soccer teams ha been especially trying. Despite that, I love sitting in the sunshine and watching my boys play hard. Today marks the end of the soccer season with the last games and I have to admit that I'm going to miss it just a little bit. Being a Dad really is awesome.
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
21 May 2010
Smiles all day long!

Then, for Jacob's favorite part he got to open presents. Michael made him an ABC book and bought treats for him to earn after he learns his letters. It was so sweet! Michael even drew pictures himself of things starting with that letter.

Joshua bought him the standard a hot wheels car and some bubbles.

We got him some sand toys with the promise of putting in a sand box for him tomorrow. This rain messed that one up a little but we'll get it in tomorrow and all will be well. Needless to say he is very excited! He also enjoyed the e-mail cards sent, so thank you! It was a great day and he was smiling super big all day long. I love the smiles on a happy little boy, thy just bring joy to your soul! Happy Birthday Jacob!
I just had to show our super small but super awesome sand box that we really did put in today. I'm proud of us for doing it! And he loves it! We may never see him again. ;)
14 May 2010
Spring is in the Air
After a cool and wet week we are finally seeing some nice spring weather. So, what do boys do in the spring? Well, they enjoy nature in all of its forms: they play in the dirt or mud as is the case this week, mow the lawn, ride their bikes and play at the park.
And my favorite, they find anything living and play with it! They got really lucky and were invited to attend a butterfly class. They have their own little caterpillar growing, this thing is growing incredibly quickly, which will soon make its chrysalis. I'm excited to take pictures of the stages. It is pretty awesome!
Then, today the boys found a young bird in our garden. Michael made it a nest including a ramp since it couldn't fly just yet. Then, later today they took the bird and put it in a large bowl with grass and played with it. I was a bit shocked to see them holding a young bird in their hands and petting them. I wasn't quite sure what to think but we decided to put the bird back and hope that it learns to fly soon and take care of itself. They are very loving and kind but aren't always aware of what their limits should be.
Michael told me tonight that he would like a pet. He thinks a guinea pig would be good because if he had two to breed he could end up with about 30 by the end of the year. He also told me that guinea pigs would be better than hamsters because they live for about 6 years and hamsters only about 3. Then, he could breed them for longer. I wasn't sure what to say, though I did ask where he was going to keep them all. Apparently he thinks there is enough space in his bedroom for all of these pets. I am looking for a better idea for him and would love any and all suggestions!
11 May 2010
More fun at Grandma's
After a nice relaxing Sabbath the fun started back up--not that relaxing isn't fun. :)
On Monday we got to go to Marquie's musical, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. It was great fun, even for the boys, and Marquie did a fabulous job. She was the star of the show, as always!
Then, on Tuesday, we headed into the zoo! I just couldn't think of anything the boys would like better and I was correct. We started with the big cats--imagine that! Then, enjoyed the orangutans and gorillas--there was even a baby that was so cute!
We then lost Jacob but found him again--phew! We were excited to see the Pandas but had to see the cheetah first because Michael missed seeing it last time. Yes, there really is a cheetah behind Michael . . . can you see it?
Lucky for us Diana was able to come and while it involved a lot of walking I think she had fun. On our way back to the car we got lucky and got to watch an elephant eating a snack and getting a quick drink. I particularly enjoyed watching the elephant drink; most fascinating!
We even managed to leave before the heavy traffic started, at least for the HOV lane, and even had time to stop for a small ice cream. It was a great fun and the boys slept really well after all that fun! It was a great trip with lots of fun and we even survived the long drive home!
03 May 2010
Little Reminders
After a morning of disasters and blessings (missed flight+other people delayed by broken train=James gets on a severely oversold flight as a standby,) I got home in time to grab a quick shower and head back to class. I gathered my things, threw a load of laundry in the washer, then walked out to the car only to realize that I didn't have my keys. I ran back upstairs to grab them, but they were nowhere to be found. How could I lost them in only thirty minutes? I even remembered putting them in my pants pocket after I got dressed. I searched high, low, in the washer, in the garbage, everywhere, all the while muttering prayers under my breath that I would find them.
After twenty minutes I was in tears, convinced that they had been hidden from me, just like the Nephites' precious things and weapons of war during their time of greatest wickedness. I was beside myself with ridiculous panic and absolute despondency. (Quick note: I got up at 2:30 my time after a rather sleepless night. Fatigue=drama.) I decided to try one last time to stop, kneel, and offer myself up in desperate prayer for those keys. I stayed down a few minutes pondering my actions of the last half hour, going through in my mind where they were and hoping that I would have a sudden vision of an absurd hiding place that only the clever man could have found. Well, I determined that they had to be downstairs between the laundry room door and the car, but I did one more quick walk-through to make sure before I headed down. Alas, they were not there—I even opened the running washer and dug through it, hoping I had missed them the other two times. I knew they were down there, I just knew it, but I couldn't see them. So I turned over piled, I peeked in the garbage can, I moved around bottles, and THERE THEY WERE! Sitting on the shelf by the laundry detergent where I must have tossed them when I needed a free hand for dispensing the cleansing goo.
I've probably heard 479 different examples of "I prayed and found it" during a lifetime of primary exposure, but every now and again you need another remind to stop, pray, and listen. So, here's my reminder:
Stop. Pray. Listen.
02 May 2010
Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's House
It is always fun to visit grandma and grandpa but this trip has been especially fun. Our first night here we went over to the high school to watch a softball game. Grandpa took the boys and they enjoyed the game over some nachos. Then, Grandpa took Friday off and took the boys for a hike in the mountains which I joined them for. It was really fun to explore in the mountains with the boys. We found lots of bugs, mushrooms growing on trees and lots of rocks to play on in the nearby creek. Then, we went shopping at the outlet malls and enjoyed a relaxing game of softball while grandpa umpired. There were, of course, random outbreaks of bear trap which the little boys just love! Michael seems to be outgrowing them--actually he prefers to be the bear.
Then, today while we sitting on the front porch a young buck decided to join us for a snack. Michael screamed when he saw the deer but luckily did not scare it away. It was great fun to watch him wander around and eat. He was beautiful. Nature is awesome! We still have more fun planned but we'll have to save that for another blog!

Our First Pack Meeting
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