22 April 2009

Potty training take 2

After completely messing this up the first time, we took a nice break and invested in some pullups.  We stopped cold turkey and enjoyed the holidays with many visitors and no extra potty stress.  Well, now it is time to fix my mistakes and finish this up for good.  :)

So, Wednesday of last week we started over.  Given that this was a start over and not an initial try I planned to do things a little differently.  I really wanted him excited about it, so I bought some Disney panties--these worked out better than expected--and we grabbed some starbursts for rewards.  I like these because I can keep them in my pockets and they take time to eat!

We bought the panties on Monday and he was very excited to get to use them.  So, Wednesday morning we began.  The themed underwear became our greatest tool because what child would want to make Lightning McQueen dirty.  We must keep him clean!  It is amazing how much that really means to him.  He does of course like the starbursts but i really think he stays dry to protect his friends.  :)

It has been a pretty smooth transition so far--one week in.  We only had one real poopy accident--YIPPEE!  It just doesn't get better than that and a couple wet accidents.  He doesn't run and go on his own but randomly declares that he is dry or he still gets a starburst which I have learned means he needs to go, so we go.  Or he declares that he does not have poopy in his panties quite emphatically which is another cue that it is time to go.  He is so excited he held it and stayed clean.  Now we need to make the next connection which is, of course, to go to the bathroom.  We have also employed the reading of a story when we know poopy is coming because what kid really wants to just sit there until it comes.  Stories are fun and one book usually does the trick.  But for me as long as he gives me those cues we are good to go as far as I am concerned!  Yea for Nemo, Buzz, Cars and his other friends!  They are now my friends too!

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