31 May 2012


It's that time, again, when boredom strikes. It's not that I really have nothing to do, it's just that I want to be doing something that feels like leisure rather than work, and everything on my list is just work. I need a break before doing work. I already baked rhubarb streusel muffins. I already tied my tomato plants to their trellises. I already weeded. I mean, come on—I'm getting dangerously close to actual work here. Next week we're putting in the grass. Maybe that will prompt me to work again. Or maybe we'll have a baby. That could also be exciting enough to stave off boredom for 48 hours or so. But then Mom will come, and who gets bored when Mom is around? Not this guy. :)


Sarah W. said...


That's leisurely, right? :). (Yes; I pronounced it "lehz.")

Yay for babies! Mozart during labour, right?

Lynne said...

Looking forward to help stave off the boredom!

Racheal said...

I've got all sorts of projects you can come here and do ;)