I thought we were past due on an update, so here we go! First, this summer has been super hot in case you haven't gathered that from previous blogs or by walking outside (if you live in the midwest). So, by the end of July we were getting stir crazy, so we chose August first as our first day back to school. I know it was early but why wait until the weather is nice to start school? And I just have to say that it made all of our lives much happier! We are trying a few new things this year. The first is school checklists. I don't know if it is because I am their mother but they are working fabulously! First, it helps me to not forget things and second, they have a sense of accomplishment when they get to mark something off. Second, we start school with scripture packet. A great friend of mine recommended this program which is great! For some reason when you start school by studying the scriptures things go so much better! Who knew? :)
As usual we choose a lot of our topics based on the boys' interests. So, what have they been interested in? Michael has been pretty interested in WWII. We talked about President Uchtdorf in Family Home Evening and ever since he has wanted to learn about Germany and WWII. So, we have studied WWI and WWII, and let me just say that I have learned a ton. It is amazing/sad how history really does repeat itself.
Michael has also been reading books on different countries. He has been doing this for quite some time, but has now just decided to start at the beginning of the alphabet and go from there. He is writing down recipes he finds in these books, so it is time for me to start making them. It is really fun to see the boys get excited about things, dive in and learn about them and then get to use the things they are learning!
Joshua has been having great fun reading a book that we found at Borders called "Earth". So, while I am sad that Borders is closing I am loving their great sales! This book is super huge and I'm pretty sure that I will take a picture of it before I post this blog, so you can see it. He was studying volcanoes the other day, so I asked him to teach a lesson on it for school. He was so excited that he jumped up, found a pen and paper and started taking notes on what he wanted to share. Then, for art we got to paint different volcanoes which was super fun. And Joshua was just thrilled that he got to teach us. I have to remember to watch for moments like these because they are always amazing!
Joshua is also in love with playing the piano. I don't know what happened but something has clicked and he is now playing the piano all day long. It was actually funny this morning when it came to almost 11 AM and he noticed that he hadn't played the piano yet. He couldn't believe it. Super cute. I also believe that his enthusiasm is rubbing off on the other boys. Michael was stuck in a rut because he didn't know his notes, so we played an online game and then in just three days he was back on track and loving the piano again. It is amazing that when we find the real problem and fix it that everything works again. Trying to fix the symptoms never seems to help.
The boys have also been having a blast learning German. I will admit that I am not very good at learning German but James is great at it and the boys love it when he talks to them in German.
Jacob, who would never allow himself to be left out, has been really excited about math. He was still finishing up his kindergarten math books when we began but then decided he wanted to get into a new book, so we had some super math days and he worked really hard and is now in his 1st grade math books which he is quite proud of. He also had a lot of fun today looking at pictures of tanks and airplanes used in WWII. Yes, he is a true boy who loves blowing things up!
So, school has been awesome! James is now back in school as well which is always bitter sweet. It is always nice to get back into the routine but sad to have him gone all day. And sad that I have to make dinner again which really I don't mind, but the meals just aren't as fun. :)
Then, today we had a super treat. It is always difficult for me to adjust my schedule but it paid off this morning. The circus was in town for the day and invited the public to come and watch them set up the tent. The elephants were supposed to help which is really why I wanted to go but apparently animal activists have protested this, so we got to watch a bunch of men do what one elephant could have done. Very sad. But also we got to see them bring out all of the animals including a couple of camels, llamas, 3 elephants, goats and much more! The kids got to pet them and feed them grass. They also got to see a trainer play with an elephant (I didn't get a picture of this because Jacob was on my shoulders trying to see. :(
And then they got to see a man walk across a wire above the tent. That was one of my favorite parts. It was a great morning! (And we got all of our school work done by lunch which made me even happier!)
This evening we even went back and were able to take a ride on some of the animals. We let the boys choose and Michael and Joshua chose the elephant and Jacob the pony. So, yes we are having parties with pony rides at our house and now you are all jealous. ;) I have to tell you that I decided to ride with Michael and Joshua and well, I don't regret it. It was pretty awesome! Epic, if you will.

So, that is what we are up to and we are having a blast doing it!
Oh my gosh! Too awesome. I bet every kid wishes they could go to school like you guys do!
LOVE the circus pics! What a great day that must've been!
I also love what you said about fixing the problems rather than the symptoms... YES. I completely concur! :)
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