I can't believe it's that time already! Hope springs eternal, I suppose, and my hope is in a rich vegetable crop. We've ordered clean, manured fill and seeds, and I just have to pick up some local potatoes and onions when the time is right. Within a couple weeks, there will be seeds growing on shelves in my dining room, starting themselves toward a promising future in our fantastic garden! I used an online planner to plan out our space, and I loved it. It lets you drag to fill a space with vegetables, and then tells you how many of the plants will grow in that much space so you know exactly what yield to expect and how many seeds to buy. Then it compiles a seed list for you. It's a free trial, but I might spring for the yearly fee ($25) so it will save my plans from year to year and advise me on planting for next year (it will tell me how to rotate my crops to keep my soil healthy.) It also sends me emails about what should be planted when, so I got an email today telling me that my garlic chives can be started indoors within the next two weeks. Score! You can find it at GrowVeg. If you're a garden novice like me, you might just love it. Here's my spring garden plan. You can't really see them all, but there are small boxes of herbs on the left (14 types—YUM!) plus a box of leafy greens and radishes that will become broccoli, kale, and brussels sprouts in the fall, cabbages, cauliflower and tomatillos along the fence, eggplant, pole beans, peas, fennel, garlic, echinacea, TOMATOES!, peppers, carrots, parsnips, onions, zucchini, and potatoes. We're still on the fence (pun intended) about the strawberries along the front, but we'll see what happens.

It makes me feel so prepared. Now, all I have to do is build those 20 boxes . . .
Now, that's a beautiful thing! The garden and the website! How big are those boxes anyway?
The herb squares on the left are 2' x 2', the large squares are 4' x 4', and the huge rectangles are 11' x 4'. It makes for quite a large gardening palette. It looks huge on paper, but I think it will be much more manageable in real life and in the context of our entire yard.
That's awesome. I love growing things: pumpkins, tomatoes, pumpkins, zuccini, pumpkins, cucumbers, pumpkins, and spinich.
Liz! Haven't talked with you for a LONG time. Thanks for the comment. I've stopped by your blog a time or two and I have to say I'm impressed that you can home school. I've thought about it briefly and my husband said there's no way I could do it. He's right. I'm dreading summer with my kids home ALL day. So kudos to you guys! And thanks to James for the GrowVeg tip. I'll have to check it out.
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