After surviving the rain we took down camp, ate some pancakes and eggs and headed to Palmyra. We took the tour of the farms and really enjoyed being in those sacred places. After taking the tours in Kirtland the boys got bored of answering the same questions over and over but they still did it. The log cabin is always one of my favorites; the spirit is so strong upstairs where Moroni came to visit Joseph.
Unfortunately, I think the boys enjoyed their umbrellas more than anything else on the tour.

They also loved looking at nature, especially the chipmunks!
After finishing the tour we headed into the sacred grove. After walking for a bit Joshua looked over and said 'I think that is where the first vision took place.' I don't know if he was right or not but I do not discount anything he says, so it would not surprise me if that was the place. It was really neat to be in that sacred place as a family.

After visiting the farm we drove by the temple and peaked in the window at the print shop. We enjoyed a little ice cream cone--pretty impressive ice cream for soft serve!
Then, we headed to the Hill Cumorah. We drove up the hill and talked about how difficult it would be to find just the right rock to look under and how he never would have found it without the help of Moroni. We then enjoyed walking around the monument and watching them set up the towers for the pageant. That is definitely one of the largest cranes I have ever seen! The boys loved it!

Afterwards we jumped in the car and headed to Grandma and Grandpa Hutchings house. Everyone was exhausted by the end but it was worth every minute!
I'm pretty sure you guys have the cutest family in the world!
it was so fun!
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