05 July 2011

Helper Boy

Jacob said something the other day that just made me laugh and made me change the way I treat him. While the older boys were off riding their bikes I asked Jacob to help me with a few things while I cleaned up. It is pretty normal that while I clean I assign little jobs to whomever is around. In this case it was just Jacob and myself, so I asked for Jacob to help me with a few things I knew he could do. Instead of just doing it he stamped his foot and said, "I am not your helper boy." He then proceeded to tell me that Michael and Joshua are my helper boys and that he is not. So, today I declared Jacob my helper boy and have made sure that anytime I need help he is the one I go to. I don't think he likes his new title but I think it will do good things for him now and in the future. Now I have three helper boys, and life is good!

1 comment:

James said...

Teehee . . . :)