This past week was Cub Scout Day Camp for Michael and in extension for the rest of us as well. Since we have the flexibility to do so we took a couple of days and joined him as a family. The first day we went we got to watch Michael make a leather notebook holder, learn about trees and plants, fish and shoot a BB Gun. Michael got to fish with his own rod which was very exciting for him.
I was impressed by the fun and educational activities that they have for the boys. I was also impressed by how well the boys did them.

We then returned on Friday for family day in which we got to choose what activities to do. Joshua was excited to do the archery and did really well-much better than I would have.

Michael wanted to shoot BBs again. He is getting quite good. I did learn that shooting a BB gun is much easier than archery. But who doesn't want feel a little like Robin Hood every once in awhile. :)
As I look at these pictures I realize how quickly they are growing up! It amazes me how time flies and how quickly they grow. After shooting they wanted to go in the dunk tank but Jacob was content to sit with his daddy. Jacob loves his daddy time!
After playing we got to join in for the fishing derby. We didn't catch anything but had fun doing it! Then, we enjoyed lunch, skits and awards. Then, to end the week at camp they have a huge water fight which the boys love. And it was a nice end on a super hot day. In the picture below I managed to get Michael and Joshua but it is kind of like 'Where's Waldo.' So, good luck finding them but while you do so note the huge vat of water that pumped water out for the boys to use to soak everyone and everything. There were two of those full of water. It was a lot of water and a lot of fun.
It was a great week and the boys are already looking forward to going back next year. Joshua, in particular, is excited as he gets to go as a scout next year. Hopefully they can wait that long!
I know I can wait that long. Day camp is exhausting! :)
Way to go! Scouting as a family. What an awesome family activity. Thanks for the pictures.
Doing well son!
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