05 May 2009


A few weeks ago Liz and I enjoyed a lovely date during which we went on a picnic by a lake and then went to the College play. It was delightful overall, and I think we're going to enjoy the warm weather and picnicking instead of doing the restaurant thing. It saves money, calories, and lets us enjoy the beautiful weather that has finally settled on the area.

During our picnic we noticed the resident geese, including a lovely little family with new goslings. I wanted to feed them (yes, I know you should never feed "wild" geese—which these definitely weren't—but I couldn't help myself.) So I chose a rather attractive and mild couple and tossed them some of the pita left over from our dinner. Soon the little family became interested, so the Dad waddled on over while Mom protected the gaggle, hissing occasionally lest we think we were anything more than dinner service. With the hissing Liz became more cautious, and rightfully so, because soon another couple waddled over and were quickly rebuffed in a flurry of wings and a cacophony of honks and hisses. We decided it was time to let the geese solve their own family problems and put our pita away and slowly backed ourselves out of that situation. I didn't want to be the victim of an angry goosing. Would you?

1 comment:

Mom said...

NO!!!!! I love picnic dates.