Our latest addition to our farm are our honey bees. These are Joshua's project and he LOVES doing it!
Joshua had to check to make sure they were making honey and that the queen was making babies. All looks good! |
Joshua is fearless and proud of it. We are pretty proud of him, too! |
Then, thanks to the prayers of Hyrum and a friend stopping by we learned that our pigs were sick, so we called a vet and got them taken care of. Then, another one started limping, so we had to get more medicine and do some more vaccinations on our own. Let me just say that you should immunize a pig when they are little. But with the help from Grandma Turner they did it.
It took three of them to corner, grab and shoot the pigs with the shots. I wish I had better pics. ; |
Michael was very happy when it was over. And very dirty. Shower time! |
And finally we got a new door. It was long over due, but now it is done and beautiful!
No door! |
Outside with screens! |
The inside looks great, too! |
We have been busy, but it has been fun!