Michael, our young 12 year old giant, is growing into a wonderful young man. He is now taller than I am and his feet are almost the same size as James' (13). If he don't stop growing soon he will be as tall as James in the next year or two. If you ask him he will take you that his favorite things are soccer, basketball and reading. I would add that he enjoys scouting and camping, taking care of the chickens, mowing the lawn with the neighbors riding mower and anything else that makes him feel more grown up. We have allowed him to drive our cars on our property for small projects which he has loved more than anything else in the world, though, he thinks he should be able to drive all the time now. He still has 4 more years before he can drive. It will be a long 4 years for him.
Joshua is now 10 1/2 and doing his best to keep up with Michael. Joshua is our creative giant. Anything he does, he does big and well. Right now he is focused on origami and Star Wars. Thanks to Sam's Club he has a Star Wars Origami book which is amazing in Joshua's eyes, and if you were to come and visit he would gladly create something for you. He also loves soccer and basketball which is nice since they can all play together. He also loves scouts and is finishing up his Arrow of Light.
Jacob recently turned 8 and is working to find his role as a big boy in our home after being the youngest for 6 years. He was excited to become a Cub Scout and already loves being a scout. He also loves star wars but enjoys reading and watching more than origami. Anything that could possibly become a light saber does. He also loves being a big brother and is one of Hyrum's best buddies.
Hyrum just turned 2 and is growing like a weed. He is your standard 2 year old getting into anything and everything he can. Just this morning he sprayed soapy water all over the kitchen. I think his face says it all. He isn't talking yet, but he sure knows how to express himself. He loves reading and playing. He loves going out to feed the chickens. His favorite thing, however, is baby Simon. He loves him so much that we have to keep him behind a closed door or else Hyrum will pick him up and play with him. In another year this will be fabulous but for now we just have to be careful and keep an eye on them.
Simon is just over 2 weeks old now. He sleeps, eats and poops, but he is also learning to smile which is so much fun! He is growing quickly, so we are trying to enjoy every moment.

James and I are doing well. James just got back from an amazing conference in New York City. He got to see 5 different shows and learn how to be a better musical theater director. He is getting ready for the new school year as well as taking some classes on online education. I am still teaching online but with a lighter summer, so I can spend more time with my boys. I am prepping for a new school year. We moved the school room to the family room downstairs, so we have all of our supplies and materials in a room where the little boys can play. I think it will work much better, but we'll find out for sure in a couple of weeks.
Our farm/garden are blossoming beautifully. Our chickens are laying more than enough eggs to meet our needs. Our garden is in full bloom, and we are having fun planning meals that involve lots of vegetables. We love eating food that we have produced, and in all honesty, it tastes amazing! The boys are getting used to the idea of eating more vegetables and usually love it. They are a little tired of eggplant, but our plants don't seem to care. I did make some eggplant, pea and bean baby food with some of the excess. It will be nice not to have to buy very much baby food this fall.
In all we are doing great, so enjoy these final pictures of these amazing boys!
So cute! I love the updates, too.
What a beautiful family.
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