I am happy to report that our renovations are officially complete. All of the work is done, the checks are cut and I no longer have to deal with the bank. Woot! Woot! Here is one final photo of the kitchen completely done including the new stove that James installed all by himself. It is beautiful and amazing! It is nice feeling moved in even though there are still plenty of boxes in storage to sort through, but I will just deal with those a little at a time!
Finished kitchen! |
I have also had fun canning this week. We have always wanted to grow enough tomatoes in our garden to can without having to purchase any, and this year we may have finally done it! We did get some extra tomatoes from friends who couldn't keep up with theirs, but it is amazing to can produce that you didn't have to pay for and you know exactly where it came from. Love it! I am up to 31 quarts of tomatoes!
It doesn't look like a lot but that is a lot of tomatoes!! About 19 quarts worth. |
This is messy canning kitchen, but it is nice to see that I can can, eat watermelon and still work on other projects in the kitchen all at the same time! |
I love seeing the product of hard work! These look great down in the storage room! |
I almost forgot to mention that James has decided to learn to work with wood. Pocket holes are his new best friend. He started with these shelves for the boys room. They are amazing! Stay tuned for more fun projects with wood . . . be prepared to be amazed!
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