Liz and I have been especially impressed, of late, of the role of the family in our Father's plan, and the centrality of it in all our activities in this life. To that end, we changed up our family goal setting system this year, and in stead of getting together to set goals as individuals, with a few family-oriented ideas thrown in, we did everything as a family. We used the following scripture as our template, and although it applies specifically to the temple, we likened to the space in which we'd like to create the holiness of a temple: Our Home.
Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God (Doctrine & Covenants 88:119).
We looked at the things we wanted to do, accomplish, learn, and be, and we assigned them categories on a giant colour-coded poster. We ended that family home evening with a list of small and simple things that we, as a family, will use as tools to accomplish the great goals listed in this scripture. Because this is not only a family sharing site, but also our family journal, it seems that our first entry of 2012 should outline our goals for the year. So, here they are:
- Daily Scripture Study
- Individuals: 10 minutes each
- Family: Daily Reading
- Daily Prayer
- Individuals: 5 minutes, minimum, twice each day
- Family: Kneeling as a family, morning & night
- Read Primary, Sunday School, Priesthood, and Relief Society lessons before church each week.
- Take appropriate manuals each week.
- Meaningful Monthly Family Fast
- NEVER Raise Voices
- Prayerfully Watch for Opportunities to Serve
- Weekly Family Home Evening
- Follow Our Family Budget and Pay Off Consumer Debt
- Keep Our House Clean