Holidays are very different when you have children and it has been a delight to see their responses to the festivities. They are pretty easy going and enjoy just about everything which is AWESOME! We did quite a bit of cookie decorating which was really a lot of fun because James learned some new great techniques. For some reason I can't find any pictures of them finished, so hopefully you got to see and/or eat a few. The boys even did some decorating themselves for their own friends (more made it into their tummies than onto the plates, but at least they gave a few away).
Now as for the weather it has been snowy and freezing! I have been pretty worried about the boys getting stir crazy, so we planned some play dates. It has been a lot of fun getting together with friends. Then, as a backup plan we splurged and bought snow pants and good gloves for the boys. Add that to their boots, coats and scarves they have actually been able to go out and play which has been awesome! They go sledding at the park, jump on the trampoline, shovel the driveway and even throw some snowballs! They have a blast and they don't even track mud through the house!
Gift giving has been a joy to observe this year. Michael earned some money this summer mowing lawns, so he had some real cash to spend and let me tell you, he has inherited his Uncle Justin's ability to give gifts. He gets to know people and what they like and makes sure he gets something they would love! Joshua is fun to shop with as everything is exciting-super exciting! You also learn real quickly what he wants because he likes to buy others what he likes. Because if he would love something everyone else would love it as well!
The boys did one of the cutest things ever this year. They have a couple of friends in the neighborhood that they play with most days. They usually buy each other gifts but this year they decided to do a gift exchange where they drew names and bought a gift for that person (or something like that). It was so cute! And then they got together and did their exchange. It was fun to see them interact and act in a very mature way and was impressed at how well they know each other and what they would like.
Taking Jacob shopping is always interesting. It always involves a trip to the look at the cars because well, he doesn't have much money and cars are fun and cheap. But I was really proud of his gift to James this year that I just had to share it. He bought those little color your own picture frames and got three of them and had all of the boys color one and put their picture in it. It was awesome and it was fun to find him a gift to give that he could really enjoy.
Christmas morning was a blast. We apparently put too much in their stockings because they never even asked to open presents after they looked at their stockings. It may have had more to do with the food in the stocking than anything else. The boys haven't had cereal, so when they got their own box of cereal they were in heaven! So, we had to stop and have a bowl of cereal before opening any gifts. It made me smile. :)
But now we do get to have James' parents and Marquie over for the week. Fortunately their Christmas package arrived today as well-the USPS has been really behind this year. Very disappointing! So, tonight we opened it and decorated the gingerbread men inside. It was great fun!
This has a been a great Christmas for us and while we enjoyed the cookies, snow and presents we also enjoyed celebrating the birth and life of our Savior. Since we didn't send out cards this year we would just like to thank all of you for your friendship and love and pass along our love and appreciation to you as well. Merry Christmas!