That needed to be its own paragraph. Justin had class this morning, so Liz, Jodi, Jaime, and I started Nanjing market day without him. We watched through the window of the cake shop as the chef inside decorated a cake.

We started with breakfast made by these two ladies who live behind that curtain behind them. We had Jian bing: a sticky dough smeared over a hot plate then smeared with egg, seaweed, spices, a piece of fried dough, and other things, I'm sure, all folded up together like a giant Chinese burrito.

We then headed to market where we saw rows of beautiful vegetables

plenty of meat

live fish

dead fish


and of course, frogs.

We also saw some of these

and one of these. I mean, what home doesn't need one?

We also met some not shy people in the supermarket that kidnapped Jaime. Sometimes the ladies just take her right out of Jodi's arms and run her around to show people or have a little fun.

We also bought one of the most elegantly peeled pineapple you've ever seen.

Here's Liz in a garden at Nanjing University through which we waltzed on our way back home.

This afternoon it started raining and the wind picked up, so we headed home for a little rest and work.

We spent most of the rest of the day in talking and laughing and resting. We ran out for eggs and tomatoes over rice for dinner and brought it back to eat in the warm room. Tonight we even got to "shower," a task we've been putting of as long as possible. I don't want to be graphic, but it involves two plastic jugs, boiling water, as little soap as possible, oh, and washing between the sink and the toilet. Life is an adventure. Tomorrow's forecast? Snow, rain, and more adventures in Nanjing.
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