06 November 2009

Leave, leaves everywhere!

Well, no fall would be complete without raking leaves and raking leaves is no fun without jumping in leaves! We were very blessed with a very beautiful day for the task. This weather can stay as long as it would like! The boys and James helped me make the biggest leaf pile I have ever had the pleasure of creating. I must admit that we stole some of the leaves from our neighbors but since they moved this past weekend I don't think they'll mind.

Michael thought it would be fun to make a nest in the leaves. They are so creative!

And yes, I even got in the leaves. It has been awhile since I have been in a leaf pile!
And where was Jacob? Unfortunately, he is sporting a pretty high fever, so he was laying in the kitchen watching James bake. Hopefully he will get better soon!


Mom said...
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Mom said...

I loved all the new blogs! You guys have soooooo much fun! Sorry Jacob is sick again. How's he doing?

Racheal said...

How fun. I've been raking leaves too. And our houses sort of look the same too.