05 October 2009

It is hot!

The funniest thing happened yesterday and I just had to blog it. We were eating Adobe style pork stew (I don't know the technical name) and Joshua came to us and told us it was hot. James asked if he meant spicy hot or warm. Joshua then said slowly and loudly 'It is HHHOT.' We gave him some more water hoping it would solve the problem and tried not to laugh too loudly but had a great laugh in bed last night. :)


Mom said...

Does HHHHOOOOTTT mean I don't care just fix it?

Michelle Packard said...

Tell Joshua thanks for the laugh...next time don't make it so HHHOOOOOT!

James said...

HHHOOOOTTTT meant "did you not hear what I said the first time?" We laughed so hard. Oh, and it was adobo, not adobe. :)