14 June 2009

We got to help build a wall . . .

You may not believe this, I know I hardly believe it myself but we did in fact help Michelle and Bryce build a wall in the middle of their house. And might I add it was the coolest thing ever! The first picture above is what it looked like before we went to work. Then, James and Bryce made the frame.

James even got to cut out the vent holes--this was very impressive!
And then, yes, that is me cutting sheet rock--I knew you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it!

It isn't completely done but it sure looks pretty darn good. Maybe we'll get to help again on Monday! But only if we're lucky! Look at us all productive on our vacation. :0


Racheal said...
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Racheal said...

That's great. It's always fun to build something and than admire your work after. It feels good. Great Job.

Glenn and Sara said...

Okay! YOU ARE HIRED! We have a few walls we would like built in our basement. Let us know when you are free(grin:-)