I can't believe that Hyrum is two already! In the last year he has grown so much. While he still refuses to use words he has learned to communicate, have preferences, eat like his brothers and much more! His brothers have also had great fun training him to do many things including cheesy faces, smooshy faces (like a kiss but you just smoosh), act like several animals, race down the stairs on his stomach and well, you get the idea. It has been fun to see his older brothers love him and take care of him as well.
For his birthday we let him choose his meals, and it was fun to see him choose and then proceed to eat it all! We all had fun choosing presents for him. He got a car and a big ball from his brothers. Then, James and I had a little too much fun giving him Bristle Blocks because we loved them so much when we were little. They have definitely added some extra fun pieces to the set that we never had. Everyone had fun building with them and playing with Jacob!
For breakfast he had a tortilla with sour cream because he wanted the eggs and beans on the side. He seems to like things separated. He also enjoyed a banana, some grapes and a few cheerios. Yum! |
For desert he had banana cupcakes with peanut butter frosting! |
He was getting very excited at the prospect of eating these delights! |
He tried very hard to blow that candle out and with the help of his brothers succeeded. |
It was a fun day as we just spent it playing and relaxing. It just doesn't get much better than that! On to another year filled with kisses, hugs, playing and much more. Hopefully we can avoid 'the terrible twos.' Fingers crossed!