Ok, honestly, we're not huge fans of Halloween, but we thought it would be fun to do some crafts and make some fun food. We didn't dress up or go trick or treating - not that we have enough neighbors to make such a venture worth while.
So, we started the week by making some crafts in preparation for our celebration day. As you can imagine, a week of crafts is Joshua's favorite week. On Halloween we began with a surprise treat!
We went vintage and let the boys enjoy some sugary but scary cereal for breakfast! |
We then did a little school work but spent most of our time finishing up our piñata and other decorations. One of my favorites were these bat mobiles! I'm pretty sure we did these just so I could say bat mobile all week long. :)
Bat mobiles that look fabulous hanging in our living room! |
For lunch we made some mummy pigs in a blanket which the boys loved. Hyrum only liked the mummy part, but that's ok.
They weren't very creative but they were still yummy! |
Then, the festivities began at dinner time when we enjoyed mac 'n cheese made with halloween pasta. It didn't really look like halloween pasta after being cooked, but I promise that it was awesome looking!
Halloween pasta with chicken cordon blue. Yummy! |
Then, we brought out the ghostly piñata which Joshua and Jacob decorated all by themselves.
Hyrum got the first hit, of course, though, he didn't really know what was going on. |
Michael took the winning strike and took that piñata down. |
Joshua and Jacob were excited to collect the earnings!
You can't have a piñata without candy! |
Then, we enjoyed some carmel dip with apples. We weren't patient enough to actually create carmel apples while watching a movie. (Maybe next year.) And what party would be complete without glow sticks! These were awesome! It was hard to get pictures but hopefully you get the idea!
Glow sticks rock! |
It was a fabulously fun day! We did have one neighbor stop by to trick or treat. Well, actually they were bringing us candy, but we were ready for them and had some of our own, so we exchanged. That is right, we have actually made friends out here living all by ourselves. Yippee!
So, Happy Halloween to all, and I hope you had as much fun as we did!