What a joy has been this Christmas! This year, the boys focused on making gifts for each other, and they weathered spectacularly. Of course, when we initially proposed the idea, they immediately began packaging up things they had already made, like snowflakes and drawings, wrapping and labeling them for giving under the tree. Those gifts were truly delightful to open up this morning. Once we finally caught up with them, however, we helped guide their enthusiasm, and they ended up with these things:
Jacob decorated aprons, Joshua made neck warmers, and Michael made hats. It's more fun to watch these boys give presents than it is to see them open them. I love to see that joy in their faces as they anticipate the great opening of their treasured offerings of time, energy, and love.
We did pajamas, of course. Here they are before bed:
And after waking up this morning:
Michael tried to get the morning rolling at 4 a.m., but we shot him down, mean parents that we are. He figured he wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep, so he might as well try. Needless to say, he did get back to sleep.
For Christmas, this year, we decided to give the boys a bedroom makeover, so they opened up hard hats, Lowe's gift cards, and some very enthusiastic wall art (Thank you, Jodi!) to get that party started.
We missed having family here, but it's been a lovely, simple, service-oriented holiday season for us, and we can't trade that for anything.
If you are in the area, however, we won't turn you away.